Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello to Alaska!

My Google Analytics tells me that we have a repeat visitor from Anchorage, Alaska! So let me greet you in what must be your native tongue:

Hallo! Gosh darn it, welcome to Friar Fight! (I just winked at you). I think we've got a good thing goin' here and that you'll enjoy readin' our fine blog, doggone it! Oh you're leavin'? Say it ain't so, Joe! (If your name is not Joe, insert your name in place of Joe...unless your name does not rhyme with Joe, in which case you must pretend your name is Joe.) (I just winked at you again.) Dagnabbit, I guess we'll see you again sometime soon! .......maverick.



NTC said...

Excellent post, sir. Now can you please tell me the name of a Supreme Court case with which you disagree? And what newspapers/magazines do you read?

JSK said...

1) All of them.

2) All of them.